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Kindred fees for midwifery, obstetrics & gynaecology (effective July 1, 2024).

Our Pricing

Initial antenatal consultation:
$120 per 50 min appointment ($51.75 rebate – item 82110)

Routine antenatal consultation:
$90 per 30 min appointment ($31.35 rebate – item 82105)

Long antenatal consultation:
$120 per 45-60 min appointment ($51.75 rebate – item 82110) 

Appointments with the obstetrician, including bedside ultrasounds:
$230 per appointment ($82.80 rebate) ultrasound bulk billed

In-home postnatal home visits:
First two visits bulk billed, then $140 per home visit ($76.10 rebate – item 82135)    *$30 travel fee applies outside of Brisbane City Council

Labour/birth fees:
No out of pocket costs are charged  by Kindred for midwifery or obstetric services when privately insured, this is covered by your pregnancy management fee. Inpatient fees are billed directly to insurer by the midwife/obstetrician. If you do not hold private health insurance for birth, please enquire about our ‘self funding’ option, where a $2500 labour and birth fee is applied for in-hospital services.

* fees updated and applicable from July 1st, 2024

*rebates are included as estimates and may vary according to eligibility and safety net

Initial visit including an ultrasound:
$230 once during the pregnancy ($82.80 rebate) and ultrasound bulk billed

Routine antenatal check-up:
$110 per appointment ($45.65 rebate)

Pregnancy management fee:
$2300 payable once at 28 weeks gestation ($361.00 rebate)

Postnatal appointment: 

$140, usually only one appointment at six weeks after birth (rebate $69.45)

Delivery fee:
No out of pocket cost are charged for obstetric services when privately insured, this is covered by your pregnancy management fee and inpatient fees billed directly to the insurer by the obstetrician. If you do not hold private health insurance for birth, please enquire about our ‘self funding’ option, where a $2500 delivery fee is charged.

*rebates are included as estimates and may vary according to eligibility and safety net

In-home postnatal home visits (with midwife):
First two visits bulk billed, then $120 per home visit ($76.10 rebate – item 82135) *$30 travel fee applies outside of Brisbane City Council

Initial consultation: 

$230 ($82.80 medicare rebates applicable)

Follow up consultation:

$110 ($45.65 medicare rebates applicable)

Gynaecological procedures, even those performed in clinic, attract additional fees to consultation fees, and can be quoted at time of booking.

Fee estimates for gynaecological surgeries and procedures performed in hospital are available on request, and are dependent on your health insurance status and the nature of the procedure.

Please call administration to enquire about prices for:

– physiotherapy

– acupuncture

– Counselling Services

Alternately, more information can be found on the relevant service provider website, listed on the ‘our team’ page

All routine pregnancy and postnatal appointment fees attract a Medicare rebate, reducing the total out-of-pocket cost for families. Standard rebates have been included but may vary.

The Pregnancy Management Fee (PMF) is charged once during pregnancy, at around 28 weeks. This fee is payment for the on-call 24-hour, 7-day care you are guaranteed from Kindred as one of our families. Inclusive in this fee is also the first midwifery visit, labour and birth care (when privately insured) and your first two postnatal in-home visits with our midwives.

Private health insurance can cover most of your admission to hospital as well as the cost of the birth. However, you should contact your provider to understand the specifics of your cover. Our administration team can provide the items numbers relevant to your care upon request.

Other providers may be involved in your care while in hospital, such as anaesthetists and paediatricians. It is important to understand how these fees are charged and covered with your relevant insurance – you can find this out by contacting Mater Mothers  Private Hospital, or when you complete your hospital booking,=.

Additional Expenses

The package of care is designed as a starting point, and can be built upon according to the needs of you and your family.

Additions to the base package include additional appointments with a midwife or obstetrician, physiotherapy, additional long appointments, education packages, and additional postnatal home visits.

Kindred clinicians will order all necessary blood tests and ultrasounds, so it should not be necessary to see other practitioners for pregnancy related concerns in addition to your Kindred appointments. The pathology and ultrasound services will have their own fees for the services that they provide.

Kindred has no control over the fees charged by other medical practitioners involved in the care of our families. Additional fees may be incurred from the hospital, anaesthetist or paediatrician. @savanah_ganly_photos

Frequently Asked Questions

For the first time, private midwifery and obstetrics have been brought together to allow complete continuity with a team who support you in your preferences and unique journey.

In other models, accessing midwifery care means that if you need input from an obstetrician, it may be someone you have never met before and doesn’t understand your story, journey and preferences.

Similarly, in other practices, obstetric patients may not meet a midwife until the day of labour, and or have input from a number of different midwives, which can be difficult. If you chose to have care with one of the doctors at Kindred for your pregnancy journey, Kindred midwives will see you during your pregnancy for education and support, then for six weeks of in-home midwifery visits.

Kindred has been established as a ‘best of both worlds’ approach, to allow families care that is specifically important to them.

Kindred’s unique practice model means you can choose to have complete care with midwives and obstetricians who recognise that not all families need or want the same thing. Therefore we have designed Kindred with an understanding that care is better delivered in collaboration, rather than isolation. For the first time, Kindred has brought private midwifery and obstetric care together to allow access to and continuity from known care providers throughout your entire journey.

Continuity in care providers has been identified as the most influential factor in both optimal clinical outcomes and positive experiences in maternity care.

Continuity  means unbroken and consistent care from a known person/s. It promotes autonomy, self-efficacy, and increased satisfaction through enabling informed decision making.

Working collaboratively in maternity care is paramount. Midwives and obstetricians have skills and knowledge which compliment each other, and when used with like-mindedness to support women and families in their unique journey, optimal outcomes are achieved, both in terms of clinical outcomes and positive experiences.

Kindred is the only practice where continuity and collaboration between midwives and obstetricians is at the core of practice philosophy and is provided throughout the entire journey – from early pregnancy, throughout labour and birth, and for six weeks after birth.

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